Friday, April 10, 2015

Final Project Commercial

Our commercial was about our product which is the M.E.H. remote. We used all of the buttons in the remote. The mute button was used to mute Mackenzie when she wouldn't stop talking.  Then Mackenzie kept talking so then Wes said that she never stops talking. So Mackenzie got mad at him and Wes pressed the erase button so she wouldn't remember what he said. A teacher came to them and asked why they weren't in class so then Wes pressed the hide button to disappear. After all that I came in to talk about the remote and what is was. At the end we gave the fake number to call and the price of the M.E.H. Remote. I thought we did a good job on the commercial and we all had good acting. We showed what our product did and what it was useful for.

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