Thursday, May 25, 2017

Professional Article Review

Animation of 'Archer'

     Neil Holman and Chad Hurd give insight on the process of animating 'Archer'. They show how they create their storyboards to get an idea of how everything should look before animating he characters. They also talk about how they look at the lighting in a situation and then put it into a 3D environment and then make still images of it so then their painters can paint the lighting onto the scene. They also talk about how they first make the background on a storyboard and then they make a 3D model of it so they can get the depth and then they draw the background. The creators of Archer also use photos to reference how characters should be positioned. The author is trying to prove how they make their animations and the process they use to make everything look good. The strengths of the article is how they convey their thoughts and how they talk you through everything they do.
     I thought the article was really cool because they told you how they made all their animations and the process that they went through. The author does a good job at showing how everything was made and the process of their animations. I thought it was cool how they showed that all the characters faces and expressions were just different pieces that they could put on or take off instead of having tons of different faces. The use of 3D and 2D together helps give depth to the 2D animation and make sure that everything looks realistic and set up properly.

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